Loonie For Your Thoughts?
You're most likely on this page because a letter we've sent you is lost in the mail. While we expect it should be showing up at your door any day now, you've got the chance to look it over now!
There are some references to a loonie in this letter: While we can't send you a virtual loonie, you should be receiving yours shortly.
Loonie For Your Thoughts?
60 Minutes Is All I Need To Show You How To Eliminate 100% Of Your IT-Related Problems
And I Guarantee You’ll Stop Worrying About Ransomware, Hackers And Cyber-Attacks Destroying Your Business
From The Desk Of Sean Robertson
President & CEO, Strategic Technology Associates
One of Atlantic Canada’s Top Locally Owned and Operated IT Firms
Dear User,
Let’s talk IT for a minute.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the first time you’ve thought about your IT in a while – most have a tendency to ‘set-and-forget’ it. After all, it worked when you got it, and it seems to be working now, why dedicated your valuable time to considering it?
I’m sure you know that this mindset is dangerous. Especially in regards to the rapidly changing landscape that is cyber security, hackers, and those fighting against them. If you haven’t revamped your IT in the past year, or even the past six months, I’d wager your systems are already out of date.
You’re a busy person, as all businesspeople are. That’s why I’ve made it my business to help people like you with their cyber security. You’ve got a business to run; you don’t have time to worry about constantly re-evaluating your IT systems!
It’s not uncommon for businesses to be unhappy with the quality of service and support they are receiving from their IT company. However, it’s something they tolerate because they don’t know who else to call. Maybe they’re just too busy to take the time to find someone else (as above). That’s why you’re getting this letter today…
Our Free Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Gives You The Answers You Want… The Certainty You Need
60 Minutes Is All It Will Take!
In that time we’ll figure out:
• If your network is secure
• If you could survive a ransomware attack
• If your current IT company is doing a good job putting protections in place
• How we can help you get the IT services, support, and protection you need
Best of all, there is no charge for this service!
When Your Free Assessment Is Complete,
You Will Know:
• If you and your employees’ login credentials are being sold and traded by cybercriminals on the Dark Web (I can practically guarantee one or more are), and what to do about it immediately.
• If your IT systems and data are truly secured from hackers, ransomware, cybercriminals, viruses, worms and even sabotage by rogue employees. Did you know that most antivirus software and firewalls are grossly inadequate against the sophisticated attacks happening in 2021?
• If your current backup would allow you to be back up and running again fast if ransomware locked all your files. In most computer networks we’ve reviewed, the owners were shocked to learn the backup they had would NOT survive a ransomware attack. Ransomware is designed to infect your backups as well! There are only a handful of backup systems smart enough to prevent this from happening.
• A “Total Potential Liability Report” that reveals a dollar figure of liability you face based on the type of data you have and the vulnerabilities we find. Most CEOs we meet with are stunned by this report alone because they didn’t realize what information was actually stored on their computer systems.
Of course, we’ll also answer any questions you have about your current IT provider, a project or a problem you’re experiencing. As you know, it never hurts to get a second opinion from a qualified source.
Here’s How The Assessment Works:
Step 1: Go to the website below to complete our brief IT Analysis Questionnaire. Don’t worry, it’s simple, unobtrusive, and should only take you 60 seconds:
Step 2: Once that’s completed, you’ll schedule a brief 15-minute phone call with me to answer your questions and prepare for us an on-site visit and a more in-depth assessment.
Step 3: After the on-site assessment, we’ll prepare and deliver to you a CONFIDENTIAL Executive Report of Findings and Cyber Security Risk Score that will reveal any vulnerabilities in your IT security, as well as how to optimize your IT to increase everyone’s productivity in the fastest, most efficient way possible. I guarantee this report will be an eye-opener for you.
If we find problems, we will provide an Action Plan on how to remedy the situation and correct any other problems you have been experiencing. If you see the value in engaging with us beyond that, great! We’ll talk about it at that time. If you don’t want to become a client – that’s OK too. By the way, we’ve never had anyone feel like their time was wasted. Ever.
Why Free?
Over the years, we’ve seen a significant increase in calls from business owners desperate for help after a ransomware attack, data breach or other cybercrime incident. What makes this unforgivable is that they ALL had an IT company they entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the business but realized all too late the company wasn’t doing the job it was paid to do.
Because this has become an all-too-common event, and because we are FANATICAL about delivering TOP-level IT services with techs who actually know what they’re doing, we’ve decided to offer our Cyber Security Risk Assessment service for free to businesses in Atlantic Canada as a no-risk way of introducing our services.
The worst thing that happens is you’re out 60 minutes (and up a loonie, from this letter!). Again, all I need is 60 minutes!
After Your Assessment,
One Of Three Things Will Happen:
1) You take our Action Plan and implement on your own, or with your current IT company. If this is the case, we wish you the best of luck and ask that you keep in touch to let us know how things are going.
2) You’ll like what we’ve shown you and will ask us to implement our proposed Action Plan ASAP. If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park…and that’s a promise.
3) In the unprecedented event you feel like we’ve wasted your time, I will send a check for $100 addressed to the charity of your choice.
Your time is your most valuable asset, I understand that. I know you’ll appreciate what we share with you, so I feel completely comfortable making this guarantee to you. I will NOT waste your time with a worthless, thinly veiled sales pitch. I’m confident you’ll see some real value in what I’ll have to share with you.
Please…Do NOT Just Shrug This Off!
I know you are extremely busy and there is enormous temptation to discard this, shrug it off or worry about it “later.” That is, undoubtedly, the easy choice…but, as we’ve all learned over time, the easy choice is rarely the RIGHT choice.
If you’re NOT 100% happy with the service and support you are getting from your current IT company, or if you’re not 100% confident in their ability to protect you, then take a few minutes to request this free assessment now.
Fair Warning: This opportunity is extremely limited because of the one-on-one time required to conduct these assessments (my time is a valuable asset too, after all!). We won't be able to do this for more than a handful of people. Make sure to get in touch as soon as you can to secure your spot!
Schedule Your Free Risk Assessment By Going To:
I look forward to working with you,
Sean Robertson
President & CEO, Strategic Technology Associates
(506) 854-2576
P.S. – If you’re not ready to meet yet, then at least take a look at a free copy of our report, “Three Types of Cyber Security Solutions Your Business Must Have.” You can instantly download this report for free at www.GetStrategic.ca/3-types-of-cyber-ebooks/.
Here Are the Thoughts of a Few of
the Businesses We’ve Helped, and What They Appreciate Most About Strategic:
The Problem Gets Fixed Quickly AND Correctly
They do what it takes to fix the problem correctly and quickly. Strategic Technology took the time to meet and get to know each and every member of the Town Council, so they could serve their individual needs.
Robert Higson, Town of Riverview
The Excellent Service
We were referred to Strategic by a friend who was more than satisfied with the services they were provided to their company. Our experience has been no different. We continue to be impressed with their ability to assist us whenever we might need help, and how easily we can get a hold of them. The service is excellent, accurate, and professional. When they are asked to do something, they will do it quickly and properly.
Faye Rammage, The Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
Their Understanding of My Business and Its Needs
Strategic Technology Associates has built a good reputation with their professionalism, efficiency, and quick problem-solving skills. From our first meeting, I was impressed with their knowledge and capabilities to support our IT needs. They have since become an important planning resource with their hands-on approach and ongoing efforts to understand my business and what it needs. Strategic is not only an IT service provider, they are a valued partner.
Norma Taylor, Actus Law