Our Clients
15 Reasons to do Business with Strategic Technology
Since working with Strategic Technology our servers never go down.
There is almost zero tolerance going into a courtroom and saying you’re not ready.
Sheila Cameron
Founding Partner
Actus Law Droit (12 Member Law Firm)
Strategic Technology’s response time is phenomenal.
Our previous IT Provider continuously failed to rise to our challenges. Strategic Technology really understands manufacturers.
Kathy Malley
Vice President
Malley Industries (Large Manufacturer)
Strategic Technology is unflappable when issues arise.
And he does what it takes to fix the problem correctly and quickly. Strategic Technology took the time to meet and get to know each and every member of the Town Council.
Robert Higson
Director of Finance
Town of Riverview (City Government)
Strategic Technology takes away the fear of making IT changes.
In the past, most of our IT people have been volunteers who have come and gone, which has caused inconsistency. Strategic Technology gives us that consistency.
Daniel LeBlanc
Executive Director
Boys & Girls Club of Moncton (Not-For-Profit Organization)
Having Strategic Technology take care of your IT system is like turning on your TV.
You don’t have to think about it. It just works. Before Strategic Technology we would lose our network about once a week. 50 times a year!
Herve Auclair
Clinical Director
Allura Medical (Medical Practice)
If it breaks, I don’t want to know about it.
”Managed Services” means there’s always someone working in the background on my machines so I can be working in front of them.
Jason Dempsey
Dempsey Law (Solo Lawyer)
Stephen McWilliam
Countryside Realty
Fairlie MacPhee
MacPhee Accounting and Consulting
Kyna MacVicar
KM Quality Solutions
Our server went down and was unrecoverable.
200 websites were down! Strategic Technology came in and rebuilt the systems from scratch and we got back up and running. Since that day working with Strategic Technology, that has NEVER happened again.
Karl Roy
Connetik Interactive (Internet Marketing Company)
I consider Strategic Technology a partner in my business.
He is the only person I would trust to manage our websites. He knows what he is talking about.
Susan Robichaud
Axion Marketing (Marketing Consultant)
Norma Taylor
Office Manager
Actus Law
Joanne Despres
Bone Appetit
Faye Ramamge
The Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
Sebastien Poirier
Triangle Kitchen